Dictionary of Old Occupations

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Definitions of jobs Highwayman - Horseman

Highwayman: mounted on horseback to rob travellers on public roads.

Hillier: alternate spelling of Hellier, installed and maintained slate, thatch or tiled roofing.

Hind: a peasant, a domestic servant or a farm hand. In Scotland and parts of Northern England a Hind may have resided with his wife in a cottage on the farm which was provided with the job. The Hind would also have been in charge of a small number of horses.

Hinxman: alternate term for a Henchman, meaning a follower, attendant or Squire.

Hired Man: a vague term to describe a contractor providing unskilled labour.

Hobbler: in older times described a light horseman or a person who looked after military horses. From 18th century refers to person who towed canal boats.

Hobler: alternate spelling of Hobbler, who looked after military horses or towed canal boats.

Hodsman: a labourer who carried building materials upon a hod for skilled builders on masons.

Hog Reeve: a district official responsible for impounding stray pigs and assessing the damage they caused.

Hoggard: drove herds of pigs to and from market.

Holder Up: an assistant at a forge or smithy.

Holer: person who made the eye holes in needles, or a slang term for a miner.

Hollow Ware Presser: pressed clay into moulds to make vases, pots etc.

Hollow Ware Squeezer: alternate term for a Hollow Ware Presser who pressed clay.

Holloware Worker: made metal hollowware items such as tea and coffee pots, sugar bowls etc. Also a generic term for a pottery worked who made hollow ware.

Holster: worked in the stables at an inn.

Hoofer: another term for a Stepper, a professional dancer.

Hooker: old term for a person who harvested crops at a farm, or a slang term for a Hooking Machine Operator in the textile industry.

Hooking Machine Operator: worked in the textile industry, loading folds of cloth into a machine to produce standard lengths of material prior to packing.

Hoop Shaver: created and fitted metal hoops to barrels, casks and tubs.

Hooper: created and fitted metal hoops to barrels, casks and tubs.

Horner: a person who traded in animal horn, or a person who made items made out of horn such as knife handles, combs, bow stave tips or decorative items.

Horse Capper: dealt in horse flesh.

Horse Courser: racing horse owner, a horse dealer, a person who runs racing horses on behalf of owners or a military term for cavalry.

Horse Hair Curler: cleaned and dressed horse hair so it could be used as stuffing for mattresses and furniture.

Horse Hair Dealer: traded in horse hair, which was used by the furniture industry for stuffing upholstery.

Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only.

Horse Knave: a groom.

Horse Leech: slang term for a Farrier or a veterinarian who tended horses.

Horse Marine: 19th century US military term for when marines doing the work of cavalry or cavalry doing the work of marines.

Horseman: a mounted soldier, a person who tended farm horses, or a horse breeder.

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

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