Dictionary of Old Occupations

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Definitions of jobs Brabender - Brusher

Brabender: medieval term for either a weaver or an agricultural worker. Derives from Brabant, a region known for both.

Brabener: alternate spelling of Brabender, archaic term meaning weaver, or agricultural worker.

Brace and Bit Maker: Made hand tools used for drilling holes in wood. The brace dates back to the 15th century, and is still used around the world today. Its function is similar in purpose to a hand drill.

Brachygrapher: stenographer / shorthand writer.

Braider: braided materials such as twine or strips of leather to make rope etc. From the 20th century could refer to a person operating a braiding machine to cover electrical wire with insulation.

Brailler: made girdles from elasticated material. From the 1940s may refer to a person operating a Perkins Brailer, a machine similar to a typewriter for producing braille writing for the visually impaired.

Brakeman: a person who operated the brakes on trains, or a mining industry worker who operated winding gear at the pithead to raise and lower the cage. Also known as a Brakesman.

Brancher: describes a miner cutting a new seam at the coal face.

Brasiater: this occupation is defined on several internet lists as a person who brewed ale. Have yet to find evidence to confirm this.

Brasiler: a dyer who used red dye extracted from the Brazilian Red Wood.

Bratman: maker of cloaks or coarse garments.

Brazier: an artisan who worked in brass.

Breech Maker: could describe a person making breeches (clothing akin to knee-length shorts) or a maker of parts for breech loading rifles.

Brewster: brewer of ale. Originally a female occupation.

Brick Burner: worked in a brick works, person in charge of the kiln responsible for ensuring correct temperature during firing.

Brickman: a builder or Mason working with bricks; a bricklayer.

Bricksetter: employed in a brick works, loading / stacking bricks in the kilns prior to firing.

Bridewell Keeper: in charge of a house of correction / prison. Derives from Bridewell Palace in London, a former residence of Henry VIII which later became a prison/poorhouse. The term dates back to the 16th century and was eventually used through England and Ireland, and then overseas to the US and Canada.

Bridgeman: a Tollkeeper, stationed at a toll bridge.

Bridger: another name for a Bridgeman.

Brightsmith: a smith who works with white or bright metals such as tin.

Brimstone Refiner: refined sulphur, which was used to make black gunpowder.

Broadcloth Weaver: wove broadcloth. which is an extra wide tightly woven fabric of silk, cotton or wool.

Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only.

Brogger: an unlicensed wool dealer.

Broker: a person who acts as a salesman on behalf of another, for a fee.

Broom Dasher: a retailer selling brooms.

Broom Squire: made brooms. Also known as a Besom Maker.

Broiderer: abbreviation of embroiderer.

Brow Girl: female pithead worker.

Browman: another name for a Banksman.

Brown Saddler: made brown leather saddles and similar gear used for horse riding, as opposed to a Black Saddler who specialised in saddles etc. for cart horses.

Brownsmith: smith who worked with brass and copper. See also Whitesmith and Blacksmith.

Brush Drawer: fixed the bristles into the brush handle using lengths of wire to hold each bunch of bristles in place.

Brush Stale Maker: made brush / broom handles.

Brush Wirer: another name for a Brush Drawer.

Brusher: a miner employed to widen passages.

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

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