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Buckle Tongue Maker: produced the pointed metal (tongue) part of belt buckles.
Buckler: an alternate term for a Bucklesmith or a specialist occupation within the shoemaking industry.
Buckler and Lacer: a shoemaking occupation; prior to dispatching shoes for sale this person threaded shoe laces through buckle straps and eyelets.
Bucklesmith: made metal buckles for belts.
Buckram Maker: produced buckram, a stiffening agent commonly glue-based, used like starch on fabric prior to embroidery.
Buck Washer: defined on countless internet lists as a Laundress. Have yet to find evidence to confirm this.
Buddleboy: responsible for the upkeep of vats used to wash ore in the tin (or possibly lead) mining industry.
Buddler: an ore washer, as used in the tin or lead mining industries. This job was done by both women and children.
Bullion Pearler: found on census records as a spelling variation of Bullion Purler, a specialist embroiderer.
Bullion Purler: added decorative trim, hems, embroidered borders or bullion fringes to fabric. A modern example of bullion is decorative fringes on the bottom of sofas.
Bullwhacker: a wagon driver. They acquired this name because they whacked the oxen to keep them moving.
Bum Bailiff: a person who arrested debtors.
Bumboat Man: a trader who operated a small boat ferrying goods for sale to larger ships anchored nearby.
Bummaree: typically a London occupation, speculative traders at a fish market buying fish stocks to resell to small traders.
Bummer: a soldier who scrounged food and other needed items from the locals.
Bump Mill Hand: worked to produce candlewick yarn, known as bumb, which was woven from waste flax.
Bunter: a rag and bone woman; a scrap merchant.
Bureler: produced borel, which is a coarse woollen material used to make cheap clothing.
Burgermeister: master of a borough or town. Equivalent to a mayor.
Burgess: a citizen of a borough, or a Freeman.
Burgomaster: alternate spelling of Burgermeister, similar to a mayor.
Burler: worked in the textile industry, dressed cloth by removing slubs, knots and loose threads.
Burmaiden: alternate spelling of Bower Maiden, a lady in waiting or Chambermaid.
Burneman: carried the yeasty barm for brewers.
Burnisher: metal polisher.
Burye Man: a burial worker or grave digger.
Bushel Maker: Cooper (cask or barrel maker). A bushel was a precise size, equivalent to eight gallons and was used as a measure for trading purposes.
Busheler: tailor's assistant who repaired clothing.
Busker: a hair dresser or a street performer.
Buss Maker: commonly means a gunsmith, although the word buss also refers to a herring boat.
Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on only.
Butler: normally Head of the household servants reporting to the master, mistress or in some cases the Housekeeper.
Butner: a Cooper (cask and barrel maker), or a misspelling of button maker.
Butter Badger: hawker who bought butter direct from farmers or their local butter market to sell door to door.
Button Carder: sewed buttons onto printed cards ready for sale.
Butter Carver: carved designs into butter pats.
Butty: supplied and paid his own workers to mine an agreed amount of coal for a fee.
Byrlawman: appointed by the Court Leet, administered petty justice and enforced court orders in Scotland or northern England.
This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.
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