Dictionary of Old Occupations: A-Z Index

Introduction to Jane's Dictionary of Old Occupations

Dictionary of Old Occupations ebook

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Welcome to my dictionary of old occupations, jobs, archaic trades and similar historical terms.

In the course of my research work as a family tree professional I naturally come across many historic records showing job titles, terms or occupations which are no longer in common use. Having spent so many years working with census records I compiled my own glossary to help me with my family tree research.

I decided to turn my work into an online dictionary of old occupations, and make this information available through my Family Researcher website as an aid to private individuals who are researching their own ancestors.

The dictionary has been growing since 2009 and is larger than most free online resources for old trades and occupations, having well over two thousand entries.

If you have details of an occupational definition which is missing then please contact me with the info and I will be delighted to add it to the site.

Ebook now available!

That's right! The Dictionary of Old Occupations is now available as an ebook.

So, if you fancy a copy to use as an offline reference resource then follow these links. My dictionary is available in Kindle (UK), Kindle (US), and other formats.

Makes a handy reference for history buffs, family tree enthusiasts, and creative writers looking to give their work authenticity.

A-Z index of old occupations

Jobs are listed alphabetically by job title, so this index will help you browse through the dictionary to find interesting and obscure old occupations and their definitions. Click or tap on the job title / term below in order to see the definition.

Index of Old Occupations beginning A

Index of Old Occupations beginning B

Index of Old Occupations beginning C

Index of Old Occupations beginning D

Index of Old Occupations beginning E

Index of Old Occupations beginning F

Index of Old Occupations beginning G

Index of Old Occupations beginning H

Index of Old Occupations beginning I

Index of Old Occupations beginning J

Index of Old Occupations beginning K

Index of Old Occupations beginning L

Index of Old Occupations beginning M

Index of Old Occupations beginning N

Index of Old Occupations beginning O

Index of Old Occupations beginning P

Index of Old Occupations beginning Q

Index of Old Occupations beginning R

Index of Old Occupations beginning S

Index of Old Occupations beginning T

Index of Old Occupations beginning U

Index of Old Occupations beginning V

Index of Old Occupations beginning W

Index of Old Occupations beginning X

Index of Old Occupations beginning Y

Index of Old Occupations beginning Z

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

The Worst Jobs in History by Tony Robinson

As befits the man behind Baldrick, Tony Robinson has uncovered life in the underbelly of history. Whether it's swilling out the crotch of a knight's soiled armour after the battle of Agincourt, risking his neck in the rigging of HMS Victory, or as 'Groomer of the Stool' going to places where none of Henry VIII's six wives would venture, Tony endures the worst jobs imaginable to get to the bottom (sometimes literally) of the story. From the Roman invasion to the reign of Queen Victoria, Tony has met the challenge of seeking out the worst jobs of each era.

Richly illustrated with artwork, photographs and diagrams, "The Worst Jobs in History" really gets into the grime of how life was for ordinary people, and provides a vivid alternative (and fairly disgusting) history of Britain.

Buy Now

Dictionary of Old Occupations by Jane Hewitt

The Dictionary Of Old Occupations

Interested in history? Researching your family tree and wondering what those old occupations you found on census records actually mean? Maybe you are a creative writer looking for details to give your work authenticity? The Dictionary of Old Occupations explains the meaning of job titles, trades, professions and terms dating back through the centuries.

A handy reference ebook for family tree researchers, creative writers and history buffs. Jane is an experienced, professional genealogist. Aided by her husband, Jane compiled the Dictionary of Old Occupations over several years. This A-Z is an informative and fascinating read, giving insight into the day to day experiences of real people from all walks of life over many centuries.
Available in Kindle and all other formats.

Also available in the US.

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A Dictionary of Old Trades, Titles and Occupations (Reference) by Colin Waters

Want a printed book providing further information about old occupations? Check out this pbook by Colin Waters.

The book is a useful reference for any family tree research project. The only reason I do not own a copy myself is to ensure I was not influenced in the writing of my own dictionary!

In our own time, the world of work has changed enormously and some of the once familiar names and terms have fallen into disuse only to be understood with the help of a dictionary. For instance, who now know what buddle boys, claquers, dobbers, hokey pokey men, rogue spotters and sperviters are?

Colin Waters’ excellent dictionary explains the function of nearly 4,000 old trades, titles and occupations, and contains over 70 illustrations. It is a comprehensive reference book that will be widely welcomed and is sure to become a much used companion; especially to all those interested in family, social and local history.

Buy Now

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