Dictionary of Old Occupations

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Definitions of jobs Tawyer - Ticket Taker

Tawyer: dressed animal hide by imbuing with agents such as salt and alum to soften and bleach them so as to make white leather.

Teamer: alternate term for a Teamster, who drove a team of horses, oxen or mules to haul goods.

Teamer Man: alternate term for a Teamster, who drove a team of horses, oxen or mules to haul goods.

Teamster: drove a team of horses and wagon for hauling goods. In early days the wagon may have been pulled by team of oxen or mules.

Tearer: a young person working in a print mill, assisting the printer.

Teemer: the literal meaning is a person who poured out something. For example, if working a forge the term may refer to a person who poured molten steel.

Teerer: alternate spelling of Tierer, working in the calico printing trade.

Teinter: person who tinted (dyed) textiles, or who applied coloured tints to black and white photographs before colour photography took over.

Teizer: according to numerous identically worded online sources this is an 18th century glassmaking occupation describing a person who removed molten slag. Have yet to confirm this.

Telegraph Cable Jointer: made insulated joints in telegraph cables.

Telegraphist: morse code operator who communicated radio or land lines.

Tenementer: describes a person who dwelt in a tenement, usually multi-family housing designed for people on low incomes.

Tenter: a Fuller, who cleansed woollen cloth, or a person operating a machine or frame which used hooks (tenter hooks to be precise) in order to stretch cloth so that it dried even and square. The term can also be used to describe any factory worker who tended machinery.

Tenterer: alternate spelling of Tenter, usually a textile industry worker although can describe any person who tended factory machinery.

Textor: a Weaver of textiles.

Thacker: archaic Scottish term for a Thatcher, who built and maintained thatched roofing for buildings.

Thatcher: thatches building roofs with dried reeds, sedge or more commonly straw. Thatched roofs were common in the UK until slate roofing gradually took over during the 19th century. The occupation of Thatcher remains today.

Thecker: archaic English term for a Thatcher, who built and maintained thatched roofing for buildings.

Third-borough: English term for an under-constable in the legal profession.

Thrasher: alternate term for a thresher who thrashed or threshed grain to separate the chaff.

Thresher: either a person who threshed grain by beating it with a flail to separate grain from chaff, or a person who operated a threshing machine for the same purpose.

Throstle Spinner: worked in the textile industry, operating a throstle machine which continuously wound and twisted wool or cotton fibres. The name of the machine came about because the noise it made whilst operating resembled the sound of Song Thrush, which was known by English dialect as Mavis or Throstle.

Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only.

Thrower: in the textile industry refers to a person who threw or twisted silk, wool etc. to make threads. In the pottery industry refers to throwing clay. May also refer to a person turning wood on a lathe.

Throwster: a textile worker who threw or twisted silk to make threads.

Thruster: another term for a Hurrier in the mining industry. Typically children who pushed the corves from behind were known as Thrusters.

Ticket Collector: stationed at the entrance to premises checking and collecting entrance tickets purchased by visitors.

Ticket Porter: licensed porter, mainly in London but also seen in Kent.

Ticket Taker: alternate term for a Ticket Collector, who checked and collected visitor's tickets before allowing entrance to premises.

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

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