Dictionary of Old Occupations

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Definitions of jobs Lithographer - Lyner

Lithographer: a printer. Lithographic printing has existed since the late 18th century.

Litster: alternate spelling of Lister, a dyer.

Litterman: worked in a stables caring for horses.

Little Sister of the Poor: you may see this term in the profession or occupation column on a census return. It refers to a female member of staff working for a Roman Catholic religious order who cared for the elderly. The order was founded in the 19th century.

Liveryman: man who worked at a livery caring for horses.

Loader: loaded goods onto rail carriages or boats for transport.

Loblolly Boy: a surgeons attendant on a ship.

Lock Keeper: operates canal locks.

Lockeer: made or repaired locks, a locksmith.

Locker: worked at a HM Customs warehouse in charge of the King’s Locks.

Lodesman: a pilot (of boats). ‘Lode’ means a course of water.

Logwood Grinder: ground logwood to make dye.

Long Song Seller: prevalent in London, Long Song Sellers were either street beggars or pedlars of printed song lyrics.

Longshoreman: loads and unloads cargo at a port.

Looker: inspector / overseer or shepherd caring for sheep belonging to several owners.

Loom Sweeper: a highly dangerous job usually performed by a child. Worked in the textile industry, dashing under the moving machinery to collect waste. Tony Robinson explained more about this on his 'Worst jobs in History' TV show.

Loom Winder: worked in the textile industry in charge of loom winding units.

Looper: worked in the textile industry operating a looping machine. Traditionally, the word ‘looper’ was used to an instrument such as a bodkin for making loops in yarn.

Lorimer: made horse harnesses, in particular bits and metal attachments.

Lormer: alternate spelling of Lorimer, maker of horse harnesses.

Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only.

Lot Seller: a street vendor or stallholder.

Lotter: a Crofter who worked a lot of farmland.

Lum Swooper: a Chimney Sweep.

Lumper: a Stevedore, or a taxonomist.

Lungs: an assistant to an Alchemist who worked the bellows.

Lurryman: wagon or horse drawn lorry driver.

Luthier: a craftsman who made and maintained string instruments such as violins etc.

Lyner: alternate spelling of Liner, a textile worker.

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

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