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Child Bed Linen Warehouse Dealer: kept a store of bed linen to be rented by expectant families, to be used during childbirth at home.
Chimney Sweep: swept soot from chimneys, a dangerous and low paid job often involving child labour from a very early age. A chimney sweep could have several child apprentices. Soot could be sold for use in gardens to protect plants from slugs.
China Dish Maker: worked in the pottery industry making flatware.
China Door Furniture Maker: a pottery industry worker who made finger plates and door handles from china.
Chinglor: alternate spelling for Shingler, a man who installed or maintained shingled roofing.
Chip Seller: hawker selling bundles of wood called chips created from breaking up old boxes or packing crates.
Chippy: nickname for a carpenter, a skilled craftsman who worked with wood.
Chiropodist: a podiatrist; a person who treated foot disorders including calluses, corns etc. The occupation is thought to date back to ancient Egypt.
Chirugeon: archaic term for a surgeon.
Chowder: a fishmonger. The occupation name derives from the archaic word Jowter.
Chronologist: keeper of historical records.
Cigar Roller: a 19th century home based occupation for people who made (rolled) cigars. By early 20th century In the US family shops made and sold cigars.
Cinder Wench: woman who collected ash produced by factories and sold it to households for use in the garden as an additive to compost.
Circuit Rider: a nickname for travelling clergy in the US who rode on horseback to preach to populations in remote areas.
Cissor: alternate term for a tailor.
City Meter: a junior or assistant Weights and Measures Inspector. The UK has had a series of Weights and Measures Acts dating back to the 18th century which were designed to ensure that traders accurately described the quantity of goods being traded.
Civil Engineer: a term used from the 18th century to describe an engineer who worked on public projects as opposed to a military engineer.
Civil Servant: held a civilian job as a crown employee. A rather vague title which does not tell us much about what the individual actually did.
Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on only.
Clagger: combed out knots and muck from woollen fleece.
Claker: according to a great many internet sites this means a magician or astrologer. Have yet to find evidence to confirm this.
Clapman: possibly an early term for a Town Crier, similar to Bellman. The name may be a reference to the clapper inside the bell rung by a Town Crier.
Classman: an unemployed labourer, although in other contexts the word can also refer to a classmate or a graduate in Arts in a honour class.
Claviger: a Doorman or servant. The word has a French origin, meaning key carrier.
Clay Bearer: a pottery industry worker who carried clay to the thrower or pug mill.
Clay Blunger: a pottery industry worker who tended a machine which stirred slip, a suspension of clay in water used to produce ceramics.
Clay Grinder: a pottery industry worker who operated a machine called a disintegrator.
This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.
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