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Sidesman: also called an usher, a sidesman organised the collection and seating arrangements during church services, and greeted church members as they arrived. Modern political correctness means that the occupation title has evolved into sidesperson.
Sifker: manufactured sieves.
Silk Drawer: worked in the textile industry producing silk thread.
Silk Dresser: worked in the textile industry preparing silk for weaving.
Silk Dyer: dyed woven or untreated silk.
Silk Engine Turner: wove silk on a mechanical loom.
Silk Mercer: another name for a silk merchant.
Silk Picker: a kind of 'quality control' job in the textile industry. A Silk Picker would examine woven silk and remove lint, unwanted thread etc.
Silk Piecer: joined broken silk threads together.
Silk Steward: person in charge of a team of silk Weavers and Spinners.
Silk Thrower: prepares silk for weaving by spinning or twisting silk thread.
Silk Twister: span silk thread. Another name for a Silk Thrower.
Silk Winder: wound silk onto spools or bobbins prior to the silk being twisted.
Silker: worked in the textile industry, sewing the ends of silk fabric to prevent fraying.
Silkman: a tradesman who sold or manufactured silk.
Silversmith: a craftsman who made objects from silver or gold.
Simoloer: a type of Alchemist producing Semilore an alloy of copper and zinc, the resulting metal had a gold like appearance.
Simpler: collected simples, which are medicinal plants.
Sin-eater: if you find mention of this in historical records (as opposed to a modern movie) the term refers to a person who would attend a funeral in order to perform a ritual of consuming food or drink such as a piece of bread laid on the dead person's chest in order to take upon themselves the burden of the deceased's sins, so that they may rest in peace. The practice of sin eating is thought to have continued until the early 20th century.
Sinker: worked in the mining industry, sinking mine shafts.
Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on only.
Sinker Maker: manufactured lead sinkers for fishing lines, or the lead weights for knitting machinery.
Sissor: old name for a tailor.
Sizer: worked in the textile industry, operated a machine called a Southwell Sizer.
Skelper: made or sold wicker bee hives.
Skepper: a basket weaver or seller, or an alternative spelling of Skelper, meaning made or sole wicker bee hives.
Skinkster: bartender.
This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.
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