Dictionary of Old Occupations

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Definitions of jobs Proctor - Pyrometer Attendant

Proctor: a solicitor or attorney in a court, a clergy title, a university official or the person an exam invigilator.

Prop Bobby: a mine worker in charge of pit props, an important job for the safety of miners.

Prothonary: alternate spelling of Prothonotary, a legal Clerk.

Prothonotary: principal Clerk of a court.

Provision Dealer: supplier of food etc.

Prow Smith: in traditional boatbuilding the Prow Smith laid out the wooden keel and prows.

Publican: ran a public house, e.g. an innkeeper. In very old times, Publican also referred to tax collectors.

Puddler: participated in the making of iron, and later on, steel. The process of puddling was developed towards the end of the 18th century and involved stirring molten iron inside the furnace with rods. These rods were used up during the process.

Puffler: colliery worker, senior man who divided out earnings amongst workers based upon number of days worked and volume of coal mined. (Unconfirmed- pufflers may also have been employed in the textile industry fulfilling a similar function.)

Pug Miller: alternate term for a Pugger, who worked in the pottery industry.

Puggard: a slang term for a thief.

Pugger: mixed clay or loam into a soft, pliable condition by walking upon it. When all air pockets had been worked out the result was used for making pottery or bricks. Not usually a man's job.

Punky: defines as a chimney sweep on numerous internet sites. Have yet to find evidence to confirm this.

Pupil Teacher: refers to a schoolmaster or any teacher a school.

Pure Finder: another old occupation which Tony Robinson's 'Worst Jobs In History' reported upon. A Pure Finder was usually a child or old woman who had the pleasure of collecting dog waste from the streets so that it could be used in tanning leather.

Pure Gatherer: alternate term for a Pure Finder, who collected dog waste from the streets.

Purl Seller: sold purl to Labourers. Purl is a beverage of English ale mixed with wormwood. Went out of fashion prior to the 19th century.

Copyright: Jane Hewitt. This dictionary is authorised for use on www.familyresearcher.co.uk only.

Purser: refers to a Ship's Purser, who was responsible for handling money, supplies and administration on a ship.

Pursuivant: a junior officer at arms.

Purveyor: generic term for a merchant. Usually recorded as Purveyor of X, where X is the substance they dealt in.

Pusser: alternate name for a Ship's Purser.

Putter: worked in the coal mining industry, hauling tubs.

Putter-In: a vague term referring to a person who may have worked in a factory or as part of a post industrial revolution automated / mechanised process. They would have been responsible for inputting materials as part of the process.

Pykemonger: a merchant who sold freshwater fish including pike.

Pynner: alternate spelling of Pinner, a pin maker.

Pyrometer Attendant: worked in the pottery industry, responsible for monitoring the temperature of a kiln.

This dictionary is my own work, and copyright Jane Hewitt. I sometimes find unauthorised (i.e. stolen) copies of my website content appearing on other people's websites. If you should read a group of identical glossary definitions elsewhere on the web, consider whether such sites are reputable or not.

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